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1/24 public "handmade miso" class

  This time, we will tell you about the public cooking class "Handmade Miso" class held on the 24th.Keiko Imamura, who has been helping her with her grandmother's handiwork since she was young, was in charge. 124 even with miso.JPG This time, we used round barley koji.Using rice koji makes rice miso, and barley koji makes barley miso. 124 Miso Koji.JPG The soybeans are soaked in water from the previous day and cooked softly in a pressure cooker in the morning.Soybeans and rice malt mixed evenly by the teacher's hand.Roll it up and put it in a container. 124 miso 2.JPG The skill of putting it in the container is as expected of the season!It was that kind of feeling (Sorry, I couldn't take the shutter in time because the moment I entered was too short.) After finishing the class, I received a comment from the teacher. “Everyone, thank you for participating in the miso making. If you write down the amount and date and stick it on the storage container, it will be useful for the next time!” Thank you for participating. We hope that the miso you bring home will mature into a delicious flavor.

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macro pocket(Regular Diet Association Secretariat)


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