
Japan Macrobiotic Co., Ltd., which operates the Japan Macrobiotic Association, advocates a lifestyle that is in line with nature and conducts various activities to deliver healthy eating habits to as many people as possible.We are looking for people who can sympathize with the idea of ​​macrobiotics and want to spread it further as secretariat staff.

Admission Information

Employment status Full-time/Part-time/Part-timer
You can work according to your family's convenience, such as "3 days a week," "1 hours a day, you can choose," "You can choose the day of the week," and "Within your dependent allowance."
Job Description Permanent
  1. [Recruiting] Editing, planning and coverage of the monthly magazine "Musubi"
  2. [Recruitment suspended] Macrobiotic cooking class assistant, administrative work, management, planning
  3. [Recruitment suspended] Management, management and planning of various health seminars
  4. [Recruitment suspended] Administrative work, management, planning of the product sales department such as related books and food
    Part-time job/Part-timer
  1. [Recruiting] Assisting in the production of monthly magazines sent to members once a month and leaflet creation work
Required skills and experience Permanent
[Editing, planning and coverage of the monthly magazine "Musubi"]
Design experience using Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Part-time job/Part-timer
[Monthly magazine production, assisting with leaflet creation work]
Blanks welcome, housewives and househusbands welcome.Academic background and industry experience are not required.
Preference will be given to the following people.
・Those who have experience using Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign
・Editorial review experience
For example
  1. who like cooking
  2. Able to handle multiple tasks in parallel
  3. Those who are good at design production and DTP work
  4. Good at English and Chinese
Location Japan Macrobiotic Association Secretariat (2-2-7 Otedori, Chuo-ku, Osaka) ≫Access
*Full-time employees may be transferred to other related regions.
Working hours Permanent
9: 00 to 17: 30 (break 60 minutes)
Part-time job/Part-timer
9 to 00 hours from 17:30 to 5:6 (negotiable)
Salary Permanent
Monthly salary: From 225,000 yen (Determined based on age and experience, including fixed overtime allowance, salary increase, commuting allowance paid separately)
Part-time job/Part-timer
Hourly wage: From 1,064 yen (considered based on ability and experience, raise possible, transportation expenses paid)
Days off and leave Permanent
8 days a month (shift system/annual holidays: 117 days), summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, paid vacation, congratulatory or condolence vacation
Part-time job/Part-timer
Working days: 3-5 days a week (negotiable), paid holidays
Employee Welfare Full-time/Part-time/Part-timer
Various social insurances (health, welfare pension, employment, industrial accident)
Other There is a trial period (3 months) regardless of the type of employment
However, there will be no change in working conditions during the period.

Flow from application to hiring

XNUMX.Please email or mail your resume to the Japan Macrobiotic Association Secretariat.
  【mail address】[email protected]
  [Mailing address] 540-0021-2 Otedori, Chuo-ku, Osaka 2-7 Eating Association Secretariat Recruitment contact: Nogawa
  *If you are applying as a full-time employee, please also send your resume.
XNUMX.After document screening, those who pass the screening will be contacted for a written test and an interview.
1.Written test and interview (2-XNUMX times)
XNUMX.Notice of pass/fail
*Application documents will not be returned regardless of whether they are hired or not.The documents will be shredded and discarded by the Association.

We look forward to your application!