Quarterly Magazine MusubiMUSUBI

Macrobiotic magazine with over 700 issues

The Japan Macrobiotic Association publishes a quarterly magazine called Musubi, which has had over 700 issues published.
It covers a wide range of themes such as macrobiotic cooking recipes, yin and yang theory, diet, parenting and health, and environmental issues.

Introducing the latest issue of "Musubi"


Conclusion Back Number

We are introducing back issues of "Musubi" that have been published in the past. We also sell back issues individually.

About the author

We would like to introduce the writing team responsible for the serials in the quarterly magazine "Musubi."

Introduction of related books

We introduce various related books, including official books published by Japan Macrobiotic Association.

Subscription application

マクロビオティック マガジン「むすび」は年4回、お届けしております。定期購読のお申込みは「正食オンラインストア」にて受付しております。

"Musubi" as a gift

"I want you to stay healthy forever."
With that in mind, why don't you give your dear friends and acquaintances a copy of the "Musubi" magazine for a year to support their healthy lifestyles?
Please apply with the gift postcard at the end of the "Musubi" magazine, or contact the secretariat by phone for details.

Shop guide

Introducing shops, cafes, and retreat facilities that sell natural foods.

Medical institutions and clinics

In addition to Western medicine, we will introduce medical institutions and clinics that provide treatment from the viewpoint of dietary regimen, natural healing power and immunity enhancement.