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Seminar by Professor Shinichiro Yamamura was held

111day, sunday.Shinichiro Yamamura, director of the Japan Macrobiotic Association and a dietician, held a seminar titled "When the body is cold, it causes heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc." was held.The teacher, who recently had more work to do with companies, appeared in a stylish suit.   I will talk about various things in various places, but what I often think about lately is that everyone's skills have improved so much, it's amazing.Especially women. From now on, I really feel that the time has come for women to move.I think that women have deep sensibilities, partly because they give birth to the next generation of children and raise them when they have no choice but to protect their own lives.   I believe that in order to move society, we must work together with companies. Even if you hold a study session on metabolic syndrome for company employees, men won't listen to it at all.He is hunched over with his arms crossed.Arms crossed is a posture of refusal.Therefore, the usual gag doesn't work at all.I don't want to listen, so I'm really struggling.There are still many people who think that a macho physique is good, or that meat is what builds physical strength, so it can't be helped. The prevalence of illness is evident in the huge medical bills, but there are so many people who think it has nothing to do with them.Actually, it would be nice to know in advance, but the irony is that you won't know until you get sick.   In this series, we have talked about cold.Everyone, don't get cold hands and feet?  Many people say that their bodies are not cold, but their hands and feet are not warm.How often do you fill the bath water?? Some people think it's good to take a slow, lukewarm bath, but if you take too long, you'll desalinate.The salt keeps the heat from escaping.After you get out of the bath, it will cool down after a while.   Recently it has been said that43℃ bath10It seems that immunity will rise from the day after next when you enter.When your body is cold, your immune system goes down.When it gets cold, it goes into hibernation, so the internal organs will not work.In the state of sleeping without moving anything, you need energy even if you stay still.This is your basal metabolism.It gets cold when the basal metabolism falls.The cause of the decline in basal metabolism is said to be “muscle weakness” and “decline in cardiopulmonary function”.More muscle mass will increase your basal metabolic rate, while less muscle mass will decrease your basal metabolic rate.   Next time, the final episode of this series, 2It's the 8th of the month (Sun). "When the body is cold, it causes infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, etc."Please join us.We look forward to.      
  • March 2015, 01 Updated at 19:18
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