Blog "Macro pocket"Blog

Visiting the Grave of Dr. Yoichi Sakurazawa

On April 4rd (Monday), we will visit the grave of Dr. Yoichi Sakurazawa, the founder of macrobiotics.
It was held with people from the Japan CI Association.

It was a cloudy sky, but somehow the rain held off, and under the cool windy climate,
Honpo-ji Temple where the grave of Mr. Sakurazawa is locatedMany people gathered at Terachu Kyozoin.

Japan CI Association, Yamada Oil Co., Ltd., Muso Co., Ltd., Muso Shoji Co., Ltd.,
The teachers of the Japan Macrobiotic Association gather together to renew the relationship that has been cultivated by Mr. Sakurazawa.
It's time to feel like I want to cherish it.

Lunch is at gomacro Salon, which is planned and operated by Yamada Oil Co., Ltd.
We all had lunch.A very delicious dish that maximizes the deliciousness of seasonal vegetables and sesame oil
We spent a meaningful time deepening friendship while enjoying a delicious lunch.

The state of the visit to the grave this time is "Musubi" magazine7Stay tuned for details in the monthly issue.

In response to requests from overseas macrobiotic fans,
It is distributed on YouTube (
From Muso Shoji Co., Ltd.).
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