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[Immunity UP information] Food education that thinks from the mouth ⑧

[Immune power up information]
We will introduce excerpts from past musubi magazines and books published by Seishoku Publishing.
The 26th installment will introduce an article on food education from the "Musubi Magazine October 6 issue". (12 times in total).
Saliva that heals wounds quickly and is effective against cancer and tooth decay

in saliva30If you soak it for a second, you can get rid of the poison
 It is well known that saliva has many benefits.
 As an example, Mr. Okazaki mentioned the results of an experiment using rats.
 Two days later, when the rats had their back skin cut XNUMX cm square, and when they were kept alone and when several mice were kept at the same time, it was found that the single rats had no wounds.20Only XNUMX% were cured, but in the case of a few75% healed.
 Why is there a difference of nearly four times?You can't lick your back if you're alone.But if you have friends, you can lick each other's backs.
 “We know that saliva has the ability to heal wounds quickly,” says Okazaki.Many people have the experience of licking the wound after an injury, and that a wound in the mouth heals quickly.
 In addition to its antibacterial properties, saliva contains an enzyme called peroxidase that can detoxify carcinogens.
 It is important to chew your food well and mix it thoroughly with saliva, as XNUMX seconds of saliva soaking of various carcinogens has a significant detoxifying effect.
 “It has long been said that babies with a lot of drool will grow up strong and people with a lot of saliva will live a long life.

Taste abnormality and worry after that
 Abnormal taste in children may also be related to the lack of saliva.
 “Tasting substances (contained in food) dissolve in saliva, and the tongue perceives the taste. In other words, the taste cannot be sensed without saliva. It is said that the development of salivary glands peaks around the age of XNUMX. , The fact that the peak is low is also the flip side of the fact that the child will soon stop producing saliva.This is also a very serious problem.”
 If the secretion of saliva decreases after becoming an adult, not only will you have abnormal taste, but you will also be prone to tooth decay and periodontal disease, and you will be plagued by xerostomia, pain in the area that comes in contact with your dentures, and bad breath. .

Also works to regenerate and harden teeth
 Saliva also helps prevent tooth decay.
 Streptococcus mutans, known as a cariogenic bacterium, consumes sucrose and produces acid, which increases the acidity of plaque.pHWhen it becomes XNUMX or less, the tooth surface dissolves.This is a phenomenon called demineralization.
 Saliva has the power to neutralize acidified plaque.The restoring power is "XNUMX to XNUMX times stronger than normal water in a healthy person" (Mr. Okazaki).
 Also, if you remove the plaque and brush your teeth carefully, the calcium contained in saliva will remineralize and restore the tooth to its original state.
 "Saliva gradually hardens teeth. Saliva is so important for teeth."
 Let's stop "sinking eating" that stops saliva.

[Immune power up information]To food education ⑨ that thinks from the mouth

Yoshihide Okazaki
Born in Osaka in 1952.He graduated from Aichi Gakuin University School of Dentistry.After graduating from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, he has been a lecturer in Pediatric Dentistry at the Okayama Gakuin University Faculty of Dentistry Hospital since 84. In 2013, he took an early retirement from Okayama University and became a visiting professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, National Mongolian Medical University.His specialties are pediatric dentistry, dentistry for disabled children, and health education.His publications include “30 years old in 107 bites of Kamikami Health Science” (Shonen Shashin Shimbunsha) and “Food Education Wonderland Seen by a Cam-Cam Encyclopedia Dentist” (Higashiyama Shobo).