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[Immunity UP information] Food education that thinks from the mouth (XNUMX)

[Immune power up information]
We will introduce excerpts from past musubi magazines and books published by Seishoku Publishing.
The 26th installment will introduce an article on food education from the "Musubi Magazine October 6 issue". (10 times in total).
A child's mouth is a mirror that reflects society and the family environment

Children at a juvenile training school with many cavities
 This is the story of an eighteen-year-old boy's teeth.
 It's a pretty bad tooth decay, and the back teeth are only roots left.The upper front teeth have cavities between the teeth and are not in a state to chew properly.
 A tooth with such a large number of cavities is rare nowadays, and Mr. Okazaki says, "There are no children like this these days."However, he said, "If you go to a certain place in Japan, you can take a lot of pictures like this."
 The correct answer is juvenile hall.It seems that it is also "extremely common among children who have committed heinous crimes."
 About XNUMX years ago, Mr. Okazaki started visiting juvenile training schools because he was asked to talk about how to rehabilitate children in detention as a dentist.
 As I went to juvenile halls, I learned that there were quite a few children with severe tooth decay.
 “Before, I understood that they were talking like this because they were children who committed heinous crimes and were sent to a juvenile training school.
 It wasn't that I had severe cavities after my permanent teeth erupted, but that I realized that if I hadn't had severe cavities when I was a baby tooth, this would never happen.

Tooth decay due to neglect20twice as much
 It can be said that the prevention of tooth decay and periodontal disease in permanent teeth largely depends on the individual's self-awareness. Just "I'll polish it" is enough to prevent it.
 Therefore, in the case of such a boy, it is easy to imagine that the parents did not give such proper consideration.
 As a result of Mr. Okazaki thinking in the same way, I can't help but feel that the real cause of this child's delinquency is not the child himself, but the environment in which he was brought up at home when he was little. became.
 Mr. Okazaki showed the data to prove it.
 The graph below shows XNUMX-XNUMX year olds, XNUMX-XNUMX year olds,10?14age,15?19To find out how many untreated teeth (untreated cavities) per person by age group, a group of children from ordinary households, abused children, and neglected children was investigated. It is a summary of the average of the results.The Nara Dental Association conducted a survey four years ago.
 For example, when looking at XNUMX to XNUMX year olds, children from ordinary households have only XNUMX untreated cavities, while children who have been abused have only XNUMX.10It will double.Furthermore, children who have been neglected (abandoned children)20It's twice as many as six.

[Immune power up information]Food education that thinks from the mouth (XNUMX)

Yoshihide Okazaki
Born in Osaka in 1952.He graduated from Aichi Gakuin University School of Dentistry.After graduating from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, he has been a lecturer in Pediatric Dentistry at the Okayama Gakuin University Faculty of Dentistry Hospital since 84. In 2013, he took an early retirement from Okayama University and became a visiting professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, National Mongolian Medical University.His specialties are pediatric dentistry, dentistry for disabled children, and health education.His publications include “30 years old in 107 bites of Kamikami Health Science” (Shonen Shashin Shimbunsha) and “Food Education Wonderland Seen by a Cam-Cam Encyclopedia Dentist” (Higashiyama Shobo).