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Seminar by Professor Shinichiro Yamamura was held

  510day, sunday.Shinichiro Yamamura, director of the Japan Macrobiotic Association and dietician, held the 2nd seminar "Eyes: The marks that appear in the eyes represent the whole body" of the seminar "Easy inspection methods useful at home: Practical edition".   I went to the hospital and had a blood test, but nothing was wrong, but I was clearly not feeling well.The doctor said, "Aren't you worrying too much?" Since there are sluggishness, dizziness, and headaches, this is called pre-symptomatic disease, and it is a precursor to illness.   The various marks that appear on the body do not appear on the face, but appear on the legs, and do not appear on the eyes, but appear on the hands.Some people have it on their nails, and some people don't have it on their fingernails, but on their toenails.So, if you want me to give you dietary guidance, I will look at many. In the second half, you will learn how to deal with the problem, rather than just saying that there is something wrong with the inspection.   our bodies are60trillion cells and100There are over a trillion intestinal bacteria.In addition, countless bacteria live on the skin.For some reason, when the enemy comes, the indigenous bacteria will eat it.It protects the throat and nose from foreign enemies.   In order for them to work well, the outside of the body must be cheerful.That's why in Eastern medicine it's said that the outside is the yang.I'm in a good mood.You work hard and get tense, and then you feel relieved when you finish your work.If you can't get rid of it, you can drink alcohol and eat sweets and fruits to relieve yourself.When you lose your mind, evil comes in. When I'm tense, I don't catch a cold, but when I'm out of my mind, it comes in.Because the air is hot.Heat protects the body surface.   next time 3th6 times14th of the month (Sun).The theme is "Tongue... Which organ is hot or cold?"You can also take a single-engine course, so please join us.We'll be expecting you.
  • March 2015, 05 Updated at 19:09
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