Contents … July 2016.6
Foreword "I'm at the beach"

Makito Terada
(President and CEO of Umi no Sei Co., Ltd./Representative Director of the NPO Japan Edible Salt Research Association)

For natural childbirth and childcare

“Birth” discussion with Dr. Mayumi/Guidebook for good “birth”
Natural childbirth experience at the age of 45

[info] Santoku knives from Takamura Hamono Seisakusho for sale at Musubi club
[NEWS] Seishoku Cooking School Annual General Meeting
[Lecture] Why is it “organic” and what is “safe”?
Record of a joint lecture by Atsuo Fujii, President of Anshin Nogyo Co., Ltd.
[info] Made in Organic Daizu Days Co., Ltd.
[People] Side road, side road, sanpo road 18
……… “Shigisan Fasting Dojo” Mr. Chisen Yoshida (Ikoma-gun, Nara Prefecture)
[Macro] Rica's bento news6 ………… Rika Asano 
Various ways to enjoy plums
[Macro] Shinchan no Yorozu Counseling Center 6
………… Shinichiro Yamamura Dilated cardiomyopathy
[Macro] Macrobiotic one theme 6
………… Kenji Okabe Source of Vitality: Meisho Bancha
[Health] Keigakudo medical records54 Guidelines for Eczema …… Keiichi Nishishita
[info] Musubi club information on new arrivals
"Five Elements UKI UKI Sheet" / Mayumi Nishimura's DVD "One Love"
[Essay] A New Organic Library of “People, Things, Things” 15
………… Taka Yamaguchi “Yofuku Post Tsukishima” is now in its second year.
[Environment] A Forest with Bugs -From the Economics Laboratory that Protects Life- 15
………… Yusuke Sakata Sharing Economy
[Cooking class] Regular food cooking class in Malaysia
[Recipe] [New Series] Takashi Oura talks about how to walk macro II
………… Takashi Oura
Column: Why I Became a Chef 
Recipe: THE TOMATO (whole tomato and red wine vinegar flavored soup)
See you at Cooking School53 ………… Ms. Kyoko Nozaki
[Recipe] Seasonal Vegetables 2016
"SPICY SUMMER! Ethnic Cuisine" ………… Eiko Komatsu
Vegetable kebab / cashew nut rice and lotus root curry
Spicy Tomato Soup / Brown Rice Yogurt Raita with Corn and Watermelon
Rice pudding
[Network] Guidance of regular meal Cooking School and network class
[PR] Musubi club book information
[Cooking class] Cooking School communication experience report
…… Mr. Kaoru Kawabata
Otayori Hiroba
This month's present Shiitake mushroom kombu tsukudani
ties of ties
