Contents … July 2016.2
“What can be conveyed as Japanese food culture?”

Isao Kumakura (President, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture / Chairman, Japanese Food Culture National Conference)

 Macrobiotic Movement and Japan Macrobiotic Association Ⅱ

  Mr. Kazuo Itoga and Omi Gakuen
  New Year's Dialogue Mr. Toryuto & Mr. Takeshi Hatano

[NEWS] Instructors observe how Yamahisa makes soy sauce and olive oil
[info] Special sale of Masato Teraguchi's natural cultivation brown rice at Musubi club
[NEWS] Muso Trading Co., Ltd. 30th Anniversary Ceremony
[NEWS] Haruru Midwives Center opened in Ikuno-ku, Osaka
[Essay] Sadao Mayumi's Bookshelf 14 Final episode
“Dietary power to improve depression”…… Sadao Mayumi
[Macro] Shinchan no Yorozu Counseling Center 2
………… Shinichiro Yamamura Sand Therapy and Eggs
[Macro] Macrobiotic one theme 2
………… Kenji Okabe From ``sa'' to the world of ``wa''!
[Macro] Safe childbirth and child-rearing with macrobiotics 23 …… Kiyomi Noguchi
Mother is my child's doctor
[Cooking class] Cooking School communication Reading impressions …… Yuko Nakagawa
[Health] Keigakudo medical records50 Hay Fever and Intellectual Judgment …… Keiichi Nishishita
[Book Review] New book EXPRESS "Mouth Gymnastics Aiube"
[NEWS] Macrokko Sakura-chan visited Fukui!
[Macro] Rica's bento news2………… Rika Asano 
Rica is delicious! ?
[People] Side road, side road, sanpo road 14
………… “Carrot” Hajime Ogata (Osaka)
[Essay] A New Organic Library of “People, Things, Things” 13
………… Taka Yamaguchi “Organic” Presence
[Environment] A Forest with Bugs -From the Economics Laboratory that Protects Life- 13
………… Yusuke Sakata Art and Creativity
[Network] Guidance of regular meal Cooking School and network class
[Recipe] My SOUL Food …… Emiko Sasaki
Fukui prefecture's local cuisine "Uchimame Namasu"
[Recipe] Oh!
Japanese mustard spinach brown rice potage / Japanese mustard spinach and fried tofu rolls
Kiriboshi Daikon and Komatsuna Namul / Komatsuna Stem and Lotus Root Fried Rice
Otayori Hiroba
This month's present Oita shiitake mushroom slice
ties of ties
