network classroomNetwork Cooking School

Improve your physical condition Home cooking class Hitohashi no Kai
[Inagi City, Tokyo]
Network Cooking School

I want to be better than my current situation!Food will help you realize more ○○.I want to become a better cook.I want to know more dishes.I want to lose weight.want to know more.I want to feel better.Please come and realize more ○○.
In the September 2019 issue of Musubi magazine, we introduced the activities of Mika Nagahara, a regular home cooking class Hitohashi no Kai!

Notice from the classroom

From the basics of cooking, authentic Japanese cuisine, international cuisine, bread, etc., various genres of cuisine, correctly and deliciously
At the same time, I will naturally improve my physical condition.
No matter how bad you are at cooking, there is no problem if you have "like" and "more XX".
It's basically a cooking class that uses organic + really good ingredients.
If you want to make cooking logically, please do!

A wide range of age groups are currently participating.With a high percentage of men, medical professionals, food professionals, and professionals of various genres who are active in Japan and overseas come to visit us and have a fun and delicious time without barriers!

If you want to have fun cooking together, we are waiting for you! !

Course information

Schedule The 2020 event is undecided due to COVID-19.
We will inform you about the schedule etc. to those who have made inquiries.

If you have contacted us after seeing the Musubi magazine or the homepage of the Japan Macrobiotic Association,
Thank you very much for your input.
Holding class Beginner
Time AM 10:00-14:00
PM 15:00-19:00
Capacity 8 people per class (minimum 3 people)
lecturer Mika Nagahara (Lecturer at Seishoku Cooking School)
Representative Mika Nagahara
Venue Atelier Hitohashi (Inagi City, Tokyo)
Qualification 18 years old or older who can read and write Japanese
Tuition fee Beginner 1 yen once
Intermediate 1 yen once
Contact Us


*A yearly subscription to the macrobiotic information magazine “Musubi” is required to attend.
* The tuition fee for the network class is the price as of April 2022, 4.
*For other inquiries, please contact each network classroom.

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