Blog "Macro pocket"Blog

We will deliver the voice of the students ♪

Good morningFlowers Autumn regular classes are starting one after another. Some people are familiar with “Nice to meet you again!”, and some people are excited about participating for the first time.Every class starts in a friendly atmosphere.Nico Today we will introduce the voice of the student ♪ Mr. Takeuchi, who works in the field of organic food. I have always been interested in food and health.Because of my work, I often deal with customers who are doing macrobiotics, so I decided to take the course because I thought I had to learn.The style of learning both cooking practice and lecture is very good.I can't wait to see how my body and taste change in the future! Thank you Mr. Takeuchi:) After half a year, the secretariat will do our best to support you so that you can smile and say "I'm glad you came!"星 Some classes are still accepting applications.If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.