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A joint lecture was held by the training course and the research group

9Month27On Sunday (Saturday), a study session "Joint Lecture" was held for instructors, instructors, and those who aim to become instructors at Seishoku Cooking School. In "Musubi" magazine "21century village Masato Teraguchi, who is serializing "Aiming for a half-farming community", made his lecture debut.We asked him to talk about his thoughts and experiences of living in the countryside, from the time he was immersed in the city to moving to Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture.the title is"21Century-Recommendation for farming life".Mr. Teraguchi2011Years8In the intensive cooking class held in the month15The advanced course has been completed for the day.Before the lecture, I looked at the audience at the venue and said, "There are teachers, aren't there?!?(laughs)   After a break, a lecture by Professor Yusuke Sakata of the Department of Management and Business, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Kindai University, who is serializing "Forest of insects - From the economics laboratory that protects life" in "Musubi" magazine. is.Attracted by the climate of Kyushu,2010He came from Kumamoto, where he moved from Osaka in XNUMX.There are also projects such as regenerating Satoyama in Fukuoka and creating cafes in shopping districts. The theme of the lecture was "Learning a yardstick for living in uncertain times -Introduction to an economic perspective-". He said, "I think it's my role to make policies and systems that support people who are practicing like Mr. Teraguchi to be able to do more freely and spread their activities." I was.   Next, Ms. Sumiko Nishimori, an instructor at Seishoku Cooking School, came from Kochi.In her book, Macrobiotics and I There is this and that about my healing experience” (Seishoku Publishing). "I've been thinking about what kind of story would be useful for people who are learning to cook. When I failed and got hurt, I failed over and over again and still didn't give up. There is.You learn it.In the end, it's self-study.There is something called real feeling in your heart.That's what you rely on.I call it raw real feeling.That real feeling. I was very worried about what kind of story I would approach, and I came up with the title: 'When I tell you about macrobiotic cooking - my case'."   The content of this joint lecture was published in the magazine Musubi.12We will introduce it in the monthly issue.looking forward to.
  • March 2014, 09 Updated at 30:16
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