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[Immunity UP information] Food education that thinks from the mouth ⑪

[Immune power up information]
We will introduce excerpts from past musubi magazines and books published by Seishoku Publishing.
The 26th installment will introduce an article on food education from the "Musubi Magazine October 6 issue". (12 times in total).
Breastfeeding should be "deep" rather than "light"

"Mamma" is the common word for babies
 “Mamma” is the first meaningful word a baby utters, says Okazaki.In Japanese, it means 'mother' and 'food,' but in fact, 'Everywhere in the world, the first meaningful word a baby utters is 'mamma'. Mr. Okazaki.
 "Mamma" cannot be pronounced without closing the mouth.The movement of eating is also a training of speech.
 Breast milk is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of mothers and food.
 When in the mother's womb, the fetus does not use its mouth, so the lower jaw is at the back.It's still behind when you're born, but it's changing with breastfeeding.
 "It's a big mistake to say that babies suck with their lips. Babies suck with their tongues. Babies don't have the strength to close their lips. Just trying to take it, my tongue comes forward while I'm drinking breast milk, and my lower jaw comes forward."

Let's make a mouth full of vitality
 As for the method of breastfeeding, it is better to "deeply" to suck the areola deeply instead of "lightly" to put only the nipple in the mouth.
 When the nipple reaches the depression in the center of the palate (suction fossa), the tongue and mouth move greatly, which also leads to the opening of the palate.
 If the tongue is strong enough to touch the palate firmly, the power to swallow will increase.Draw a beautiful semicircular shape for the upper jaw, and it will become what Mr. Okazaki calls a “vital mouth.”
 On the other hand, if the tongue does not move properly, the palate will become narrow and U-shaped, and the palate will be high (deep), making it difficult to swallow.
 “When I wondered what caused such a difference in the mouth in the first place, I was told that there was no difference in tooth alignment between breast milk and artificial milk, but breast milk is better.”

Breast milk can cause tooth decay
 However, there are some things you should be aware of when breastfeeding.Tooth decay.
 Milk teeth begin to erupt from the front teeth of the lower jaw around six months after birth, and XNUMX milk teeth are completed at about three years of age.
 According to Mr. Okazaki, ``Some children who are breastfed develop cavities even though they do not have plaque on the inside of their upper front teeth.''
 Lactose contained in breast milk is a favorite food of lactic acid bacteria.If the number of lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal tract of a breast-fed baby increases, the number of lactic acid bacteria in the mouth will also increase.Lactic acid bacteria consume lactose and produce a large amount of acid, which dissolves deciduous teeth.
 Since there is no dental plaque, it is not a caries but an acid erosion, which is caused by breastfeeding at night when saliva is difficult to secrete, and breast milk remains between the tongue and the back of the teeth. It seems.In order to prevent this, it is difficult to get the baby to brush his teeth. I was told that the breast milk that I had been holding would be washed away.

[Immune power up information]Food education that thinks from the mouth (XNUMX)

Yoshihide Okazaki
Born in Osaka in 1952.He graduated from Aichi Gakuin University School of Dentistry.After graduating from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, he has been a lecturer in Pediatric Dentistry at the Okayama Gakuin University Faculty of Dentistry Hospital since 84. In 2013, he took an early retirement from Okayama University and became a visiting professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, National Mongolian Medical University.His specialties are pediatric dentistry, dentistry for disabled children, and health education.His publications include “30 years old in 107 bites of Kamikami Health Science” (Shonen Shashin Shimbunsha) and “Food Education Wonderland Seen by a Cam-Cam Encyclopedia Dentist” (Higashiyama Shobo).