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6/27 Spring Regular Course Thursday Class

  For a moment, the strong sunlight shone through the sunny weather of the rainy season, but now it's cloudy in Osaka.Well, this time I will tell you about the Thursday class of the spring normal department that was held yesterday.Last time was the XNUMXth Fall Normal Course, but this is the XNUMXrd, and there's still more to come!is not it.The class was taught by Dr. Sumiko Nishimori, a veteran from Kochi. 627 Nishimori.JPG I met Seishoku to improve my mother-in-law's physical condition.She wrote about what happened at that time in a book published by the association called My Experience in Healing Diseases. 627 master ingredients.JPG Some of you may be thinking, "Isn't the teacher's course all about making rare ingredients and delicious dishes?"Mr. Nishimori's menu also draws out her deliciousness with simple ingredients. 627 Shifu Sandwich.JPG “The carrot sandwich (left) is delicious, so I arranged it with chickpeas (right),” says Nishimori.It was sandwiched between itafu and deep-fried to finish. 627 Shifu Sandwich 2.JPG At first glance, it looks like a cake☆ 627 Nishimori 2.JPG They taught me how to season it. 627 Master Reed Mochi.JPG This time, brown rice mochi will be included in "congratulations".I asked Mr. Sekoguchi, an assistant instructor, to bake all of them in the oven. 627 teacher tasting.JPG Tasting is complete!It was a satisfying meal. ("Congratulations" on the left front, it's full, but it's filled with rice cakes.) According to the manager of the secretariat who tasted it, "Both the dried kiriboshi and the sandwiches were delicious because they really brought out the taste of the ingredients." 627 Lecture West.JPG In the afternoon, Professor Nishimori gave a lecture based on his experiences.It was very fulfilling to talk to the teacher until the last minute of the train time.The next Spring Normal Course Thursday class will be on July XNUMXth.It's the day of the Tenjin Festival dedication fireworks display!I think the area around the station will be very crowded, but since it's a big deal, you can enjoy the night in Osaka (laughs).

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macro pocket(Regular Diet Association Secretariat)


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