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[Information on boosting immunity] Evidence of macrobiotics ②

[Immune power up information]
Recently, the new coronavirus has taken the world by storm.
In this corner, you can find information on how to build a body that can withstand corona,
We will introduce excerpts from past musubi magazines and books published by Seishoku Publishing.
The 10th installment is an article on macrobiotic evidence from "Musubi Magazine June 8" (6 parts in total).
“Grain-vegetarian diet” and “whole product” made sense

Animal foods that speed up aging
In her book, Sakuta says, ``A diet consisting mainly of plant-based foods suppresses inflammation and obesity, and delays aging.''
 Conversely, "too much animal protein and animal fat causes inflammation and accelerates aging."The main reasons are:

 ・Saturated fatty acids found in meat and high-fat dairy products (cream, butter, cheese, etc.) and trans fatty acids found in fried fast food can cause inflammation, leading to cardiovascular disease, type XNUMX diabetes, and sarcopenia (age-related muscle mass). reduced or weak muscles), increased risk of cancer and dementia
 ・Saturated fatty acids make intestinal bacteria evil, increase the permeability of intestinal inflammatory substances (LPS), and promote the influx of inflammatory substances into the body.This causes inflammation and accelerates aging.Saturated fat also raises bad cholesterol levels
 ・Methionine, one of the essential amino acids (amino acids that cannot be produced by the body) that is abundant in animal proteins, can lead to deficiency if it is restricted too much, but it is possible to have a deficiency of methionine in a normal diet in Japan. I don't get it.methionine in food80If you reduce the %, the life will be40% increased, suggests mild methionine restriction may slow aging in humans
 ・The iron contained in meat (heme iron) is more easily absorbed from the digestive tract than the iron in plant foods, and becomes storage iron (ferritin).Excess iron stores accumulate in adipocytes and osteoblasts, inhibiting the synthesis of hormones (adiponectin, leptin, osteocalcin) in these cells.As a result, excess iron impairs carbohydrate metabolism, promotes obesity, raises blood sugar, and induces inflammation.
 ・Essential amino acids in animal proteins, especially branched-chain amino acids such as leucine, activate the aging enzyme mTOR, accelerating aging and shortening life span.

low-carbohydrate diet with high mortality

 A diet high in animal protein and fat is nothing but a low-carbohydrate (LC) diet.
 According to a XNUMX report of a meta-analysis of research data by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, those on an LC diet had a mortality rate of XNUMX% compared to those on a non-LC diet.31It had doubled.
 A carbohydrate-restricted diet, in which you can eat as much meat and dairy products as you want instead of eating carbohydrates such as rice, increases the mortality rate by XNUMX% for reasons with clear evidence such as those mentioned above.
 In his book, Mr. Sakuta asserts that "LC diet is harmful to the heart and blood vessels, accelerates aging and shortens lifespan."
 Although it is called "animal protein", the main problem is the red meat of livestock meat such as beef and pork, and seafood and chicken (white meat) do not increase the risk.
 For example, seafood and eggs, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, do not raise bad cholesterol levels, and omega-XNUMX fatty acids, which are abundant in seafood, reduce inflammation.
 According to a report published in a medical journal in XNUMX,65Under age, those who ate more protein were more likely to die than those who ate less70% increase,66For those older than age, the mortality rate was lower for those who ate more protein.
 Based on this, Mr. Sakuta thought that the effects of a high-protein diet on aging differed depending on age.65less than age,65It's good to take more when you're older," he points out.
 On the other hand, Mr. Sakuta does not deny at all about the LC diet, including carbohydrate-restricted diets.
 This is because some people are adapted to it even temporarily, but even as a standard treatment for diabetes, which is his specialty, there is no evidence for the LC diet, and he says, "It is not particularly recommended."

Dietary fiber prevents aging

 The preamble has become longer, but the disadvantages of a diet with a lot of animal foods are the advantages of a diet with less animal foods and more plant foods.
 In addition, Mr. Sakuta is paying attention to dietary fiber.It goes without saying that dietary fiber is only found in plants.The dietary fiber prevents aging.
 Telomeres are repetitive sequences of DNA at both ends of chromosomes, and it is known that as we age, cells divide and become shorter, promoting aging.However, it has been found that telomere shortening can be suppressed by activating the enzyme telomerase.
 Fiber-rich whole grains, vegetables, beans, and fruits activate telomerase, and the world-renowned medical journal “The Lancet” shows that people who eat more fiber have longer telomeres. was reported in

Get more from whole grains than fruit

Dietary fiber also works to increase the good bacteria in the gut.This reduces the production of inflammatory substances (LPS).
 Good bacteria ferment and decompose dietary fiber to produce short-chain fatty acids (acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid).Short-chain fatty acids reduce obesity, improve metabolism, reduce inflammation and slow aging.
 It also generates hydrogen with short-chain fatty acids in the intestine.Hydrogen neutralizes active oxygen that damages cells and contributes to aging, but it is not well understood whether hydrogen derived from dietary fiber is beneficial.However, epidemiological studies have shown that it is certain that a high intake of dietary fiber is beneficial.
 Dietary fibers are soluble and insoluble.
 Soluble fiber is fermented in the intestines to exert a variety of beneficial effects, while insoluble fiber is rarely fermented, slowing the digestion of starch and causing a spike in blood sugar after meals (postprandial hyperglycemia). reduce the
 When it comes to dietary fiber, some people try to make up for it with supplements. You should get it from your diet,” he advises.
 It has also been confirmed that ``those who eat a lot of dietary fiber have a lower mortality rate'', and furthermore, ``dietary fiber intake from whole grains and vegetables is more effective in lowering the mortality rate than dietary fiber intake from fruits. It is said that it is big” (“How to eat to slow down aging”), and it is attracting attention.

Vegetable nitrates improve blood vessels

There is a component called nitric acid (HNO), which is mainly ingested from leafy vegetables such as spinach and radishes.Nitric acid was previously thought to be harmful.
 However, in recent years, it has been found that nitric acid is converted into nitric oxide (NO) in the body and has beneficial effects on blood vessels and the heart.
 One of them is that it suppresses the aging of blood vessels and improves their function, and is useful for preventing arteriosclerosis and treating hypertension.
 Second, it improves athletic performance and endurance.
 Third, it stimulates brown fat, which contains a large amount of mitochondria, and is considered promising for obesity countermeasures (weight loss).
 While normal fat stores heat, brown fat burns heat.In order to prevent the body from freezing during hibernation, bears and other animals that hibernate hibernate. It has also been found that brown fat is present in
 Stimulating brown fat increases thermogenesis and helps prevent obesity and type XNUMX diabetes.
 Brown fat is also stimulated by capsaicin in hot peppers, epigallocatechin in green tea, and fucosanthin in seaweed.

eat apples with skin on

 Carbohydrates can be refined or unrefined.Of course, the unrefined one is better.
 "Aging is accelerated by eating more unhealthy carbohydrates, such as refined grains (white rice and white bread) and sugar, and is slowed by eating more fiber-rich carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans and nuts." People who eat a lot of brown rice and whole grain bread) have lower mortality rates." (ibid.)
 In English, the whole food is called whole food, but Mr. Sakuta introduces a better way to eat the ingredients as they are in his book.
 Apple peels are rich in anti-cancer substances and also contain a substance called ursolic acid, which has anti-sarcopenia properties.Apples should also be eaten with the skin on.
 Mr. Sakuta is also critical of the tendency to rely on supplements, which is the opposite of the whole thing, saying, "Supplements lack evidence."
 The basics of macrobiotics, such as a grain-vegetarian diet and whole foods, seem to make sense even from the perspective of modern science.

[Immune power up information]To macrobiotic evidence ③
Hidenari Sakuta
Born in Tokyo in 1957.he is a medical doctor. After graduating from the National Defense Medical College in 82, he worked at the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital and the Self-Defense Forces Kumamoto Hospital. From 97 to 99, he served as a physician to the Empress Dowager (seconded to the Imperial Household Agency).
In 2007, he became the vice-director of the Self-Defense Forces Sendai Hospital, in 13 he became the director of the Medical Technology Department of the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital, and in 15 he became the director of the general medical department at the same hospital.
Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Specialist and Preceptor, Councilor of the Japan Endocrine Society, Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Japan Medical Association Industrial Physician.His specialty is endocrine metabolism.