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Held a lecture on relieving pain in the body using Sotaiho

94On Sunday, the 1st Sotai-ho course "Correct movement without straining the body" was held by Dr. Toshifumi Suzuki, an acupuncturist and director of Suzuki General Treatment Center and a lecturer at Shin Shokuyokai.Macrobiotics is a food method that develops the order of the universe, but it can be said that Sotai is the application of the order of the universe to movement.This course teaches you how to use the principles of movement to correct distortions in your body and eliminate pain on your own.

First, there was a story about the founder of macrobiotics, Mr. Yoichi Sakurazawa.



Regarding the definition of health, Dr. Yoichi Sakurazawa explains in his book that "health is another name for happiness." is.It is a false health or a health that can get sick at any time in the future.


Most of the health laws and medical treatments do not define health, but if you are in the state of "seven major conditions of health" by Dr. Sakurazawa, you should be happy.

He never gets tired, his meals are delicious even without a side dish, he has a good memory and never forgets things, he's funny and irresistible (laughs), and he never gets angry.Because it's fun and irresistible regardless of the surrounding situation.


Sakurazawa-sensei was arrested by the special police for his anti-war activities, was tortured, and when he was released from prison, he almost lost the sight in both eyes and lost the use of his left leg. I will never be able to play again" (laughs).If you think it's fun, you're happy in any situation.


Even if you are healthy at the moment, if you are unhappy, you are pretending to be healthy, which means that there is a possibility that you will get sick in the future.In other words, true health means never getting sick in the future.Ten years later, twenty years later.The health law and medical care that most people say can't guarantee the future even if they're doing well now.What this means is that if there is a possibility that your health will decline in the future and you will become ill, it is possible that it is gradually declining at this point in time.If this is for an upward trend, it will not fall in the future.


  • Until now, I was looking for a pain point, doing something that hurts the affected area, loosening it, and improving it, but it was a new way to look for pleasure and relax comfortably.
  • I still need to be conscious of how to move the body that I was taught in Moving, Stabilizing, and Interlocking the Center of Gravity, but I would like to repeat it in my daily life and acquire it.
  • 3Through the times, I was able to hear a lot of related stories, and I learned a lot.The questions are explained in an easy-to-understand manner, and I feel like I want to go deeper.
  • The question that has arisen from what I have done so far is this3It's pretty much gone in times.The rest is to organize my mind more, but I would like to ask for guidance and study sessions from now on.



115On Sunday (Saturday), we will hold a “Sotai method course for relieving pain in the body, 1 DAY”.If you live far away and find it difficult to attend three times, please join us for the one-day course.


  • March 2016, 09 Updated at 15:17
  • Blog Category: