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Observation course was held by Kenji Okabe's Yin and Yang five elements


86sun saturday.Kenji Okabe, Director of the Japan Macrobiotic Association, Macrobiotic Treatment Method/Inspection Course by the Five Elements of Yin and Yang Part 3 "Inspection of the Stomach and Spleen System by the Five Elements of Yin and Yang - Treatment Using Brown Rice, Kudzu, and Amazake for Immune System Troubles" ~” was held.



It is the stomach and spleen system that manages the changing seasons.The spleen is not the spleen in modern medicine, but rather the stomach-pancreas system.


Tomorrow is the first day of autumn, so today is the Doyo period.It's not Saturday on Saturday (laughs).Risshun2Month4everyday, the beginning of summer5Month5everyday, autumn8Month7everyday, the beginning of winter11Month8About18Days are called total in a year72There are days.What is the first image that comes to your mind when you hear Doyo?? It's an eel.The general public misunderstands Doyo as a day to eat eel.


Autumn starts tomorrow, but it's an adjustment period between seasons, so the yin and yang energy is unstable, and it's easy to get sick during the Doyo period.Somehow gastrointestinal condition is bad, diarrhea continues, loss of appetite.Doyo is the time when you can't sleep at night, feel depressed, withdraw, don't want to see people, lose your self-confidence, and feel depressed.


As for what happens during the Doyo season, it may be fair to say that the stomach and spleen system get tired and blackouts occur.The stomach and spleen system is a meridian that is very related to the Doyo period, but what it manages is simply a power plant of the human body, a meridian that generates life energy. increase.


In Oriental medicine, life energy is called “Qi”.Tradition Indian medicine, in the world of Ayurveda, it is also called prana.There is an invisible flow of energy in the human body, and the main source of this energy is the work of the stomach and spleen system.In physics and scientific terms, I call Qi bioelectricity.


The work of the stomach and spleen system is equivalent to a breaker in a house.When the stomach and pancreas can't take in the "earth energy" from food, the breaker trips and symptoms of chronic lack of life energy appear.



The next treatment method course is 10On Saturday, the 1st of the month, it will be "Examination of the lung and large intestine system as seen in the five elements of yin and yang -treatment using taro and radish for lymphatic system trouble-".You can also take a single-engine course, so please join us.

  • March 2016, 08 Updated at 08:11
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