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Food education forum was held on 2/1☆

  On February 2014st, the “Food Education Forum XNUMX” was held at the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is close to the Japan Macrobiotic Association!The theme is "I want children to acquire 'good eating habits and the power to live'."Lecture by Director Nishifukue, who has been practicing brown rice Japanese food for over XNUMX years at Takatori Nursery School in Fukuoka. Now is the time for Q&A. 21 Forum Director Matsui.JPG Mr. Naoki Matsui, Director and Director of Senshin Gakuen Educational Foundation, gave a speech at the beginning of the lecture.It seems that he was very impressed when he visited Takatori nursery school. (Behind is general moderator Mika Nagahara) 21 Forum Principal.JPG Principal Akiko Okada talks about her visit to Takatori Nursery School. 21 Mr. Nishi 2.JPG Prof. Fukue Nishi is on stage. Even though he is XNUMX years old, he is very healthy.In the lecture, the talk progressed while presenting slides of the kindergarten's VTR introduced on TV and photographs recording the children's activities. 21 some venues.JPG Participants listening intently.The venue was full.In the afternoon, the venue was moved to a food tasting session. 21 Forum tasting scene 1.JPG It is a number of dishes that were photographed before everyone entered. ↓ 21 Forum Cuisine 1.JPG 21 Forum Cuisine 2.JPG There was also hot miso soup. 21Forum sample.JPG This is a set that reproduces the school lunch of Takatori nursery school.These dishes were created by Cooking School instructors, instructors, and trainee volunteers! (Also, I would like to tell you about the behind the scenes at a later date.) Near the entrance, there are salt maker "Umi no Sei", rice cracker maker "Arimoto", soy sauce maker "Yamahisa", beans and soy sauce. The booth of "Muso", which sells seasonings and dried foods such as koya tofu, was set up and bustling with people.In the second part, the teachers answered questions from the participants before the tasting. (In the foreground is Director Yamaguchi, from the left, Ms. Nishi, Ms. Matsueda from Takatori Nursery School, Principal Okada, Ms. Kiyomi Noguchi from Seishoku Cooking School, and Tsurumi, a former school nurse who runs her cooking school network class in Ehime. Ms. Keiko) 21 Forum panel 1.JPG Mr. Nishi talked about his concerns and doubts about practicing brown rice, and what he is doing at the nursery school. 21 Forum panel 2.JPG “I never thought it was hard to continue eating brown rice,” says Dr. Nishi.Every word of Mr. Nishi, who had faith, gave him energy and courage all day long. 21 forums later.JPG After the event, an autograph session was held in a hurry using the Takatori nursery school book sold at the reception.This pattern will be introduced in the April issue of "Musubi"!Please look forward to it! !Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to gather with us.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the venue environment, equipment, and staff arrangements, but we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the staff and everyone involved for making many people happy.In addition, we would like to thank all the teachers and trainees who were involved in the preparation and creation of the tasting dishes, the manufacturers who supported us, and the efforts of everyone who made it possible.Thank you very much.

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macro pocket(Regular Diet Association Secretariat)


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