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12/20 special course "Fermented food" 2nd

  The 20nd "Immunity up! Fermented food course" held on the XNUMXth.I cooked using salt koji and amazake that I planted last time.

The menu includes brown rice cooked with salted rice malt, burdock potage, Kurumafu burger,Sweets made with sagohaji pickles and amazake5Product.

The paper napkin is a Christmas version, and it is a gorgeous production.

1220 Santa Napkin.JPG Mr. Imamura, who is in charge, gave us a comment about shio-koji.

“From a macro perspective, I think people tend to avoid shio-koji because it is negative.It contains the sweetness and salt of the malted rice, and I thought it would make the food tastier. I used it and thought.Don't overuse it, but sometimes it's necessaryI think it's fine." 1220 Fermented food.JPG

“People with weak stomachs should cook food instead of directly dipping it into ingredients.I think you should eat.

If you don't have enough flavor, there are restaurants that serve salted rice malt to adjust the flavor.I think it's better to eat after you get used to it."

Mr. Imamura brought pickled Hayatouri (Hayato melon) that he had bought at a nearby organic greengrocer, pickled in the rice bran bed that he had made last time.

The salty taste at the end of the slightly sweet dish was very delicious.

the source is2There was a kindKetchup with amazake and miso.Sake lees, amazake and miso.

One hamburger flavor, ketchup sauce, sake lees sauce, and a sauce that mixes the two.4I enjoyed it times.Everyone who participated commented, “It was a lot of fun” and “It was a gentle and mild taste,” and it was very well received. The third and final time is preparation of miso.It's very cold, but we are looking forward to your next participation! (Terry)