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8/27 is a one-day experience class

  I was careless with the intense heat, the Olympics, and Obon, but... next weekend, August will be over. Well, next week the 27th is the day of the 1-day experience class.There is still room in the capacity, so if you are wondering "What kind of thing will you do?" "What kind of food?" (We also accept calls on the Internet or by phone.) I'm sure there will be something new to discover... We are waiting for you with a lineup of springy brown rice, miso soup with plenty of vegetable extract, boiled dried daikon radish that gives you the power of the sun, and fried kurumafu that is full of food. The one-day hands-on class will also be held in September and October.Depending on the class, her application may be concentrated depending on the day of the week and schedule, so please consider it as soon as possible.