Blog "Macro pocket"Blog

Seminar (advanced workshop)

JUGEM theme:Macrobiotic
?It's getting hotter and hotter these days, and I'm worried about UV rays. How are you all doing?I will introduce the state of the research meeting held yesterday This time, more than XNUMX teachers gathered from each region! Osakaya-san.JPG First of all, the top batter is Mr. Osakaya, who is in charge of local cuisine. kettei.JPG He introduced us to South Indian breakfasts such as idli (steamed beans and rice) and sambal (bean soup).I heard that the teacher stayed in India for a while to practice yoga. bread dough.JPG Ingredients.JPG Spices in unusual utensils.Fresh and fun.Next, the principal's traditional dish is "Ito Soba Nira Natto" Even the staff, who don't like natto, were happy that it was delicious. Principal.JPG And the research subject is "sesame salt".Try changing the ratio or changing the type of salt.One of the attractions of this study group is that you can make and compare various things. Practice.JPG In addition, there were demonstrations and lectures of standard menus by veteran teachers.Thank you very much for your hard work, everyone who participated.